Name: Ernesto Galarza
Born: 7 August 1905
Died: 22 June 1984
In Ernesto Galarza there is a confluence of lyric poet, labor organizer, veteran
educator, international economist, and renowned scholar. Although best known as
"the loudest and, surely, most unusual of the voices that have been raised to
demand economic and social justice for the farm worker," Galarza's fictional
autobiography, Barrio Boy (1971), won him wide critical acclaim as a writer and
a storyteller, and a special place in Chicano letters. A must in every anthology
of Mexican-American writing, excerpts of this work have also appeared in
increasing numbers of English language readers in public schools across the
Galarza was born 7 August 1905 to Henriqueta and Ernesto Galarza, Sr. Henriqueta
went to live among relatives in Jalcocotán, a village of western Mexico, just
weeks before the author's birth. The village in which Galarza spent the first
years of his life is brilliantly evoked in Barrio Boy: "Crosswise, it was about
wide enough to park six automobiles hub to hub.
Name: Ernesto Galarza
Born: 7 August 1905
Died: 22 June 1984
In Ernesto Galarza there is a confluence of lyric poet, labor organizer, veteran
educator, international economist, and renowned scholar. Although best known as
"the loudest and, surely, most unusual of the voices that have been raised to
demand economic and social justice for the farm worker," Galarza's fictional
autobiography, Barrio Boy (1971), won him wide critical acclaim as a writer and
a storyteller, and a special place in Chicano letters. A must in every anthology
of Mexican-American writing, excerpts of this work have also appeared in
increasing numbers of English language readers in public schools across the
Galarza was born 7 August 1905 to Henriqueta and Ernesto Galarza, Sr. Henriqueta
went to live among relatives in Jalcocotán, a village of western Mexico, just
weeks before the author's birth. The village in which Galarza spent the first
years of his life is brilliantly evoked in Barrio Boy: "Crosswise, it was about
wide enough to park six automobiles hub to hub.