Swami Jinendra was born on October 20,1948 at Mumbai in a middle-class family of Maharashtra. Since his childhood Swami Jinendra was very brilliant in studies ass well as in extra- curricular activities. To acquire higher education he came to U.S.A. He became the first Indian engineer to receive an Industrial scholarship award from the Society of Manufacturing, U.S.A.
After completing his academic career, he married Shakuntala in 1973.Shakuntala became her husband’s first inspirer, who advised Swami Jinedra to adopt a spiritual life. But he always kept himself away from religion and rituals of any sect. He never thought about the soul, karma or reincarnation like other saints. He did not seek a spiritual guru or make any specific efforts in the direction of spiritual growth.
Swami Jinendra experienced an incredible lightness, a limitless, a sense of total freedom on January 20, 1994. He reminds people ‘We can prove anything by reason by reason, logic and statistics but not truth’.