Beavis and Butt-head was an American animated television series created by Mike
Judge. After the success of Judge's short film entitled Frog Baseball, which
starred the characters Beavis and Butt-head and was featured in an episode of
Liquid Television, the cable television channel MTV signed Judge to create a
series with the same characters. The series aired from March 8, 1993 to November
28, 1997. It is rated TV-14 in the United States. Reruns of the series are
occasionally shown on MTV2.
Each show contains short cartoons centering on a pair of teenagers, Beavis and
Butt-head, who live in the fictitious town of Highland, Texas. There, they while
away time in sarcastic conversation, fantasizing about sex, and cynical,
destructive behavior. They survive without serious consequences, and with a
generally contented, though critical (not apathetic) worldview. Of course, in
episodes the teens have to escape accountability in order to continue their
lifestyle, which is a caricature of teenage naivety and, to a lesser extent, of
juvenile delinquency. Beavis and Butt-head often watch and make fun of music
Beavis and Butt-head was an American animated television series created by Mike
Judge. After the success of Judge's short film entitled Frog Baseball, which
starred the characters Beavis and Butt-head and was featured in an episode of
Liquid Television, the cable television channel MTV signed Judge to create a
series with the same characters. The series aired from March 8, 1993 to November
28, 1997. It is rated TV-14 in the United States. Reruns of the series are
occasionally shown on MTV2.
Each show contains short cartoons centering on a pair of teenagers, Beavis and
Butt-head, who live in the fictitious town of Highland, Texas. There, they while
away time in sarcastic conversation, fantasizing about sex, and cynical,
destructive behavior. They survive without serious consequences, and with a
generally contented, though critical (not apathetic) worldview. Of course, in
episodes the teens have to escape accountability in order to continue their
lifestyle, which is a caricature of teenage naivety and, to a lesser extent, of
juvenile delinquency. Beavis and Butt-head often watch and make fun of music