LISETTE DIAZ Biography - Theater, Opera and Movie personalities


Biography » theater opera and movie personalities » lisette diaz


Lisette was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico while her father was in medial school but grew up in San Diego, California, home to the world famous San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park, it is also one of the busiest international borders in the world US/Mexico and one of the most diverse in the nation. Lisette is a student at the University of California San Diego and part-time Administrative Assistant for the Youth Department Bonita Valley Community Church, her ambition is to become a High School Literature Teacher and eventually start her own school.


Hobbies and sporting interest are: Reading, watching old movies, all sports and exercise and she loves to listen to music, sing, dance (both modern and Polynesian), act and write short stories and poetry. Favourite food is ‘French Fries’. She has had many jobs as a teenager, the most difficult and unusual was being a construction worker helping to build an orphanage in Tijuna, Mexico. Personal motto is “To whom much is given, much is required".


Other Details


Voting Number: MW515
Age: 22
Occupation: Student
Height: 170