SWAMI VIVAKANANDA Biography - Religious Figures & Icons


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Swami Vivakananda was a great saint of India . The unknown monk of India suddenly leapt into fame at the World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893, where he represented Hinduism. His vast knowledge of Eastern and Western culture, as well as his, deep spiritual insight, eloquence, brilliant conversation, colourful personality and handsome figure inserted an irresistible appeal to people. He was born in 1863. He was spiritually inclined right from his childhood. He was pained at seeing the suffering of the people. He met Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and became his disciple. In 1893, Vivakananada went to Chicago to attend the World Parliament of Religions. With his brilliant speech, he impressed a great number of Americans. He was welcomed wherever he went in America . Many people Ramkrishna Mission. He wrote many books including ‘Hate-Yoga’, Bhakti Yoga’, karma-Yoga’ and ‘Raja-Yoga’. He attained Samadhi in 1902.