SATAN Biography - Religious Figures & Icons


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Satan (from the Hebrew word for "adversary") is a term that originates from the       
Abrahamic faiths, being traditionally applied to an angel in Judeo-Christian         
belief, and to a jinn in Islamic belief.                                             
While Hebrew Ha-Satan is "the accuser" the one who challenged the religious           
faith of humans in the books of Job and Zechariah Abrahamic religious belief         
systems other than Judaism relate this term to a demon, a rebellious fallen           
angel, devil, minor god and idolatry, or as an allegory for evil.                     
Satan has as many appearances as there are religions. For example, some people       
believe that Satan is invisible, some believe he is like the Minotaur, (half-man,     
half-bull). Others believe he is a small devilish spirit and others think that       
he is like a man. In many descriptions he looks like an angel. He is typically       
depicted with horns, a pointed tail, batlike wings, and a staff or trident. In       
the Bible book of Revelation, he is described as the dragon.                         
In modern movies such as Constantine, Devil's Advocate or Omen III: The Final         
Conflict, Satan is often portrayed as a middle-aged man wearing an expensive         
suit, usually (but not always) entirely white or entirely black.                     
The Apocrypha are religious writings which are not generally accepted as             
scripture by many mainstream sects of Christianity and Judaism. These works           
usually bore the names of ancient Hebrew worthies in order to establish their         
validity among the true writers' contemporaries. To reconcile the late               
appearance of the texts with their claims to primitive antiquity, alleged             
authors are represented as "shutting up and sealing" (Dan. XII. 4:9) the works       
until the time of their fulfillment had arrived; as the texts were not meant for     
their own generations but for far-distant ages (also cited in Assumption of           
Moses I. 16:17).                                                                     
In the Book of Wisdom, the devil is represented as the being who brought death       
into the world.                                                                       
The 2nd Book of Enoch, also called the Slavonic Book of Enoch, contains               
references to a Watcher Grigori called Satanael. It is a pseudepigraphic text         
of an uncertain date and unknown authorship. The text describes Satanael as           
being the prince of the Grigori who was cast out of heaven and an evil spirit         
who knew the difference between what was "righteous" and "sinful". A similar         
story is found in the book of 1 Enoch; however, in that book, the leader of the       
Grigori is called Semjâzâ.                                                         
In the apocryphal literature, Satan rules over a host of angels. Mastema, who         
induced God to test Abraham through the sacrifice of Isaac, is identical with         
Satan in both name and nature.                                                       
For the Chasidic Jews of the eighteenth century, Ha-satan was Baal Davar.