RAMANA MAHARSHI Biography - Religious Figures & Icons


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A world-renowned guru, Ramana Maharshi was born in 1879 near Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He belonged to a family of agriculturists who had faith in religion. From his childhood he was disinterested in school and remained absent-minded during work. He was very introspective and self analytical. In 1896, he entered into a state of consciousness because he experienced that he died and again returned to life. He also had spontaneous flashes of insight where he perceived himself as an essence, independent of the body. During those days he found himself as an eternal entity.


Ramana spent ten years living in temples and caves meditating and pursuing spiritual purification. During these times he followed the disciplines of silence and non-attachment. In the meantime, his reputation as teacher had spread. He became conversant with the religious traditions of South India. His disciples constructed znashram for their Guru. It was a kind of sanctum for animals which justified his fondness for cows, monkeys, birds, squirrels and other terrestrial animals.