Religious Figures & Icons Biography

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Religious Figures & Icons

narayana guru
N arayana Guru (1854 - 1928) was a great sage and social reformer of India. He transformed the soci...
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shri swami veda bharati
S wami Veda Bharati is a world-renowned yoga teacher and has been involved in teaching yoga for alm...
sri ananda thirtha
H e was the founder of the Tattvavada School which was later made popular by the efforts of such e...
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swami shraddhanandaji
S wami Shraddhanandaji was born in East Bengal in 1907. In his childhood he had the passion to orga...
bhagwan rajneesh - osho
B hagwan Rajneesh was born on December 11, 1931, in Kuchwada, a small village in the state of Madhy...
sri swami brahmanand maharaj
S ri Swami Brahmanand Maharaj is spiritual leader and a social reformer. He is one of the few tower...
swami omkarananda saraswati
S wami Omkarananda was initiated into sannyas by the world-renowned Sage Sri Swami Sivananda who re...
shri t.s.sambamurthy sivachariar
S hri T.S. Sambamurthy Sivachariar was born on November 2,1925 .He belongs to the Adi Saiva faith ,...
sri prahlad chandra brahmachari
S ri Prahlad Chandra Brahmachari was born in the remove village of Purushottampur in Orissa. Being ...
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jagatguru adi shankaracharya
J agatguru Adi Shankaracharya was a great philosopher, mystic, poet, devotee and religious reformer...
ramakrishna parmahamsa
R amakrishna Parmahamsa is one of the best-known saints of the nineteenth century India. He was bor...
shri dada j.p. vaswani
D ada J.P. Vaswani is a very versatile personality of India . He has had an outstanding educational...
shrimad nrusimha saraswati
S hrimad Nrusimha Saraswati was born in 1274 A.D. at a place called Karanja Nagar (Karnataka) in so...
sri swami krishnanda saraswati
S ri Swami Krishananda Saraswati Maharaj was born on April 25, 1922 , in an orthodox Brahmin family...
swami anand ji maharaja
S wami Anand ji maharaja, great guru of Kularnava Tantra, had attained the supreme Knowledge of the...
acharya koshoreji vyas
A charya Koshoreji Vyas is one of the great saints of India. He was born in 1949 in a family where ...
a. parthasarathy - swamiji
S hri A. Parthasarathy a renowned philosopher, stands as the greatest exponent of ‘Vedanta...
pujyapada ayodhya dasji
P ujyapada Ayodhya Dasji Maharaj was born in the village Tulati of Orissa. He grew up under the gui...
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