TOM GREEN is the star of MTV’s hit comedy series “The Tom Green Show,” which first premiered on the channel in January 1999. He is currently at work on a new album for Virgin Records, with a tentative release date of September 2000. He also had a cameo alongside Drew Barrymore in the feature film “Charlie’s Angels.”
Green started doing stand up comedy in his native Canada, where he also released a rap album entitled Organized Rhyme: Check the O.R. on the A&M Records label. Two music videos were released from the album, one of which earned a Canadian Juno Award nomination.
Following that, Green developed and hosted “The Midnight Caller,” which was the most popular radio show on the University of Ottawa’s CHUO. After graduation, he created a self-titled talk show on Ottawa’s Rogers Community Television, which became a hit after only four episodes. After three years, the show moved to cable’s The Comedy Network, where Green soon gained a national following before becoming a popular fixture on MTV.