RAMKRISHNA BUWA VAGHE Biography - Famous Poets and dancers


Biography » famous poets and dancers » ramkrishna buwa vaghe


Ramkrishna buwa Vaghe was born in 1871 at Onchra in Sawantwari district of Maharashta. When he was only ten months old, his father died. Then his mother took his son to Kagal, where he studied in a Marathi school till fourth class. But Ramkrishana Vaghe always neglected formal education. Consequently, he was taken out from the school.


Ramkrishna Buwa started learning singing from Balwantrao Pahare in his village itself. But he had to suffer many miseries to learn singing. He had to beg for money during his stay in Gwalior . Here, he learnt singing under the guidance of Nissar Hussain Khan.


Ramkrishana Buwa was a high quality singer. During 1929-31, he provided for stage music. He wrote a book in two volumes ‘Sangeet Kala Prakas’ in which many difficult ragas had been included. He created his own style of singing by amalgamating singing of different Gharanas. Later in his life he was affected by diabetes. He died on May 5, 19 45, in Puen.